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Featured Courses


Memorable UI Design For Interactive Experiences

branding design product


Memorable UI Design For Interactive Experiences

branding design product


Memorable UI Design For Interactive Experiences

branding design product


Memorable UI Design For Interactive Experiences

branding design product

course 1
course 2
course 3
course 4
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Realistic projects

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looo+ Students Enrolled

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Top instructors

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Get Started

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More than a Coaching

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Our Courses

All Courses


Frontend Development

Backend Development

Blockchain Development

Data Science

Started on 10th August

Creative Web Design & Development

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.7/5

Learn to design, code and develop awesome websites and web apps, this course covers everything you need to know about developing modern web interfaces and websites.

Started on 15th August

Backend Development with Node.js & MongoDb

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.6/5

Learn to code and develop blazing fast servers with node.js, create modern and robust final projects like pinterest clone & social media.

❗Registration Closed

Devops Engineer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.9/5

This course will teach you how to write code and design scalable applications, implement application security and testing, and develop expertise with key AWS components such as S3, DynamoDB, Elastic Beanstalk, and CloudFormation.

Started on 20th August


⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.7/5

Learn to design, code and develop awesome websites and web apps, this course covers everything you need to know about developing modern web interfaces and websites.

Started on 1st September

Responsive Web Design

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.8/5

Learn mind blowing html and css skills to create awesome web interfaces, and learn to make them responsive too.

Started Today 🏃

Mastering the Art of Resume

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5

Craft Impactful Resumes and Elevate Your Career Prospects with Expert Resume Writing Techniques


Aditi Saxena, Frontend @infotech

Shiksha is the only place where I found the true education. Instructor of Shiksha Platform is not at all educator they are like my real brothers. One of the best decision of my life is being a part of Shiksha Platform

Ravi Gupta Software Engineer @Microsoft

"Never knew learning to code could be such fun! It's never a dull moment at Shiksha. Unlike those old school teaching programs where you'll probably be bored to death, your time at this Platform will be like a refreshment.

Ankit Verma Node.Js

It was a great experience being a part of Shiksha Platform and this place has remained a source of inspiration for me. All the mentors are great, this platform has really helped me throughout my time there and it has been amazingly impactful.

Start your journey now, level up your skills.


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Talent is cheaper than salt, what separates a talented individual from the succesful one is a lot of hardwork.